KingSwap decentralized financial liquidity

5 min readOct 29, 2020



In recent years, the exchange, trade and concentration of the commodity market has become increasingly difficult and drastic. This has a great effect on entrepreneurs, traders and businesses worldwide. Especially in the last COV19 pandemic, it has greatly affected their business situation, causing many businesses to go bankrupt. The main cause leading to this situation is by
because they cannot find investment and consumption markets. More precisely, they do not know how to fund their projects. To reduce that situation, KingSwap was born with the goal of bringing benefits to investors and businesses, in order to create an environment for trading and exchanging between them through crypto assets. KingSwap helps bridge the gap between project owner and investor, provides instant liquidity option for promising projects and also gives investors access to exclusive swap pools . KingSwap makes decentralized fundraising an equal access opportunity.

What is KingSwap?

KingSwap is the latest decentralized financial liquidity (DeFi) platform, a step further and better for UniSwap. In addition to providing off-ramp fiat currency conversion solutions to allow users great convenience between the fiat world and cryptocurrency.
KingSwap has also added some new blockchain community-oriented features to Uniswap’s core design, which will help develop technology and provide user-friendly real-time benefits on the price curve and rewards. for contributors. Our protocol design provides to tailor preferences for users by introducing strategies like team rewards and network effects.

How does KingSwap work ?

Since there are no order books or any centralized party required to execute a trade, you may be wondering how transactions take place without a third party. Well, KingSwap works with a model involving liquidity providers that create liquidity groups. This model provides a decentralized pricing mechanism that effectively handles third-party depth. Here’s how KingSwap works. Being a fork where we just copied the core design wasn’t enough. New features and effective tools are needed to drive KingSwap to be the best DEX on the market.
Since there is no order book or any centralized party required to execute a transaction, you may be wondering… how does the transaction take place without a third party?
KingSwap works with a model that involves LPs generating liquidity groups. This model provides a decentralized pricing mechanism that effectively handles third-party depth. In order to fully understand how it works, we will provide you with details about $ KING, Nonfungible Tokens (NFT), our Liquidity and Security Migration.


⚖️ KingSwap — a legal entity!
With great power comes great responsibility. Everyone can recite this phrase, but not everyone can actually start a talk. Most DeFi projects lack a legal structure, which is a real cause for concern as we have seen the founders flee shortly after project launch. KingSwap provides legitimacy with a trusted team backed by legal compliance
of a powerful regulatory body. KingSwap users will enjoy the benefits of DEX while keeping your hard-earned $ KING project (a managed organization) accountable

�� Convert your token to fiat currency and usage
One of the DEX’s intricacies is the inability to seamlessly convert cryptocurrencies to FIAT. With our built-in OTC gateway, our all-in-one platform offers off-line FIAT conversions to easily convert $ KING to your FIAT currency. Alternatively, if you are a cashless payer, you can choose to top it up to our exclusive King card, through which we offer offline fiat conversion by debit card on both Visa networks. and Unionpay.

��Share your loot … multiply!
When you provide liquidity to the group, you will earn a reward equal to $ KING. Similar to SushiSwap, your $ KING will continue to earn a portion of the protocol’s fees, even if you decide not to participate in the liquidity offering.
With KingSwap, $ 10,000 KING Reward per Block is awarded to early adopters and liquidity providers (LP). When you contribute to the liquidity pool and stay there longer, you earn $ KING. In the UniSwap protocol, 0.3% of all transaction fees in any given pool are allocated accordingly to that group’s LP. KingSwap believes that since alternative candidates are revenue providers, they will instead be incentivized by a 0.25% cheaper transaction fee.
Our token and liquidity group design yield 0.2% direct to the active LPs, while the remaining 0.05% is converted back to KING, distributed to the LPs. There’s also a huge pool of bonus LP rewards from KING $ 10,000 per block mined!

⚜️Commit your loyalty and get rewards

Who doesn’t love free tokens? The secret airdrops of up to 10 million USD KING are planned after the launch of KingSwap. To be eligible, you will need to provide liquidity or enter into a swap for a selected date. The idea behind this is to make the most of the conversion and liquidity providers. Stay with us and continue to live like a King! At higher levels. Enjoy 0% card transaction fees, higher interest rates and merchant benefits like FREE Netflix, Spotify accounts and exclusive members with access to airport lounges around the world and global co-working space when you bet your $ KING with us.


Furthermore KingSwap has very good mentors Dunstan Teo. Fido Protocol Chief Architect, CTO and renowned blockchain researcher Dr. Anish Mohammed, and former Singapore Bank Director Ho Chin Shin — KingSwap Board Member, and the rest of the KingSwap team in construction. Build the project’s high-yield liquidity foundation with extensive staking rewards and digital collections. The project will launch on Uniswap later this month.


KingSwap will be listed on Uniswap this October.

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NFTs can help users feel the visualization of an intangible object (digital object) with permissions, transparent data and immutable historical information — collectively known as metadata of NFTs — will have a positive psychological effect on them.
In addition, KingSwap NFTs aims to make it as easy and secure as possible for SMEs participating in the token-based economy, which is why we need to ensure that all both transactions made by every member of the KingSwap Platform are made easy, that the way of interaction is user-friendly, and that the payment gateway is secure and stable. That is why we are constantly trying and developing

#DeFi $ KING #Crypto #Yieldfarming #Blockchain Readers interested in this project can learn more about the project through:



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author : freshtictacs

URL bitcointalk :;u=1236371

ETH : 0xACf71cCb61a2cbC9556ed7b6FEc4EaaC23eB4e12

